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A Day In The Life Of Being In The Collective


Wake up wondering what I’m doing and where I’m going 

Pull duvet over head and wish it wasn’t today 

Sit at desk overwhelmed by workload 

Procrastinate over list for the morning 

Panic at lunch time that I’ve not ticked anything off 

Spiral in to thinking about how I procrastinate and end up on the verge of on existential crisis - why am I even doing this if I can’t even do it?

Skip going for exercise or eating lunch as I’ve procrastinated so much

Avoid giving feedback to a colleague as feel it won’t be pleasant

Frustrated also as means the problem will persist. Disappointed

Let a sexist comment go in a meeting - telling myself I’ll call the next one which I know I won’t. Feel diminished by my actions not theirs.

Cancel yoga class as not feeling in the mood

Eat a pile of carbs as I’ve not eaten all day and it’s quick and filling and I’m starving

Carb crash

Avoid phonecalls with friends

Doom scroll

See everyone else #livingmybestlife 

Go to sleep wondering how on earth this cycle ever breaks


Wake up with a sense of clarity and purpose about today. The bigger picture and how todays fits in. 

Use my earlier start to eat breakfast, listen to the birds and check my intentions for day. 

Head in to create connection with Collective. 

Share my intentions for the day for accountability. 

Notice others wins, fails & learnings. Feel inspired by the changes we are all making together.

Someone stuck in something I can easily help with them. Message to say let me help you.

Sit at desk knowing it’s more than I can do in a day. That’s ok. I prioritise and do my best. It’s the same for the collective too.

Get to it. Already ticked off more than I’d expected. Can’t wait to tell the Collective - I’m surprised at myself!

Ready for lunch. Feeling so good I’m going to pop out for lunch. 

Accidentally write a poem in the cafe - I’m feeling very inspired by my own potential today.  

Head back. Share poem in the Collective - can’t believe I’ve written one, shared it and they like it! Might do another. 

Back to work. 

Pull out notes from session  on giving and reviving feedback and top tips to prepare for difficult conversation.

Pause. Breathe. Connect to values from Clarity module. Apply my Courage thinking. 

Head straight back to Collective after uncomfortable conversation. Realise it was uncomfortable only because I was growing. 

It went so well. Not how I expected but my questions lead to so much insight and we both learned so much about it other. Built trust and connection and strengthened the relationship. Bonus!

Final meeting of the day. No one includes me or my female colleague again. We were prepared.  I ask the room if we can hear her thoughts. My allie I consulted before seconds me and says he’s noticed we need to make more space for including her in meetings. We change strategy direction as a result. Win win. 

Phone not on silent. Boss calls to congratulate me on feedback from the meeting and the business decisions made. I thank him and reiterate I shouldn’t be needing to tell men to listen to the women in the room. 

Order my colleague a copy of the Authority Gap with a note saying ‘because you are becoming a great Allie’ 

Check in on my friend who isn’t wanting to get out bed in the morning. Suggest she joins the Be Braver Collective. A space where he belongs, will feel connected, supported and inspired.

Make fabulous dinner as I dance around the kitchen feel pleased with myself.

Take a photo and share it on Be Braver Collective. It’s burnt. I got distracted writing tomorrows intentions. I’m a work in progress.

While there see someone’s been offered a promotion. An unexpected pay rise. Been spoken over in a meeting. Cat called. Said no to a seemingly amazing opportunity that wasn’t values aligned. Read a poem. A new business idea emerging. Struggling with caring responsibilities.

Laugh. Smile. Feel whole. This is all of us.

Pause to marvel at the vulnerability, strength and wisdom of these extraordinary women from all corners of planet earth I have in my life .

10 minute meditation to end the day and let all our collective awesomeness sink in. 

Go to bed. Smiling. 

Can’t wait for tomorrow.