Courage Calling 2022
As we all steady ourselves for the beginning of another uncertain year ahead full of thrills, unexpected surprises, obstacles & change, you can bank on one thing.
You are going to need courage & bravery.
Personally, professionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.
If the last 2 years have taught anyone anything, I hope it is those that didn't perhaps know it of themselves yet. That we all have extraordinary reserves of courage and the capacity to weather, respond, adapt and to create significant change in the face of risks, fears and uncertainty.
That you have the capacity within you to face that, with no choices in the matter & no agency to affect it, should make you consider what change you might be able to create when you choose to set the agenda for you own life, business and career.
I know many who are already are.
This is the agenda that we should all be focus on setting for next year.
We have all asked big questions, made significant reflections & seen tremendous transformations in the world around us.
In 2022 Be Braver will put the strength, courage & resilience of individual and organisations to shape futures that are self determined.
Decisions not instructions. Choices. Not orders.
Change is constant. Uncertainty a certainty.
Choosing courage is as essential to living as air is to lungs. We may not notice it, yet without it we will wither.
When you pause to understand the way courage weaves through your thinking, decisions and choices not only will you breathe easier. You will choose your own path soar higher than you ever imagined and enjoy the journey too.
Practicing to Be Braver is a choice. It's also psychological and a philosophical one too - for those that want to living a meaningful life, to test the limits of what it is to live, of their own potential. That want to make a difference, to save the future today for their own life & for the generations to follow.
We've programmes, workshops, memberships, events & more.
Start to practice a Be Braver Mindset today and sign up.