Experiential Workshops

Workshops, Programmes and Masterclasses

Delivering inspiration, mindset shifts and behaviours change. For teams and leaders.

  • Exciting, engaging, interactive, experiential workshops to explore all aspects and dimensions of professional and personal bravery.

    • Build trust, connection, purpose and motivation

    • Understand new models of courage and bravery for personal and professional growth.

    • Take away practical models and tools for improving how you experience and choose courage. In the moments that count.

  • Discover how to implement a Be Braver Index across your organisation or within teams.

  • Develop a shared language and framework for your teams and leaders.

  • Understand how to create the conditions for leading brave and courageous teams

  • Create Be Braver ambassadors who are excited to lead and practice the mindset to create environments and spaces to develop others.

  • Use and apply the Be Braver mindset for personal and professional development to grow and develop ambitions, goals and visions.



Brave Measures Workshop

Ted-Talk style learning and development sessions to introduce the essentials of choosing courage and practicing a Be Braver mindset.

The workshop will help your team cultivate the courage to take on challenges, embrace change, and create innovative solutions through introducing you to the principles and theory of practicing a Be Braver mindset.

This helps all your people to see the huge opportunity in front of them. We include examples from inside and outside industry. The great change-makers, entrepreneurs, innovators and more. 

Adapted to your specific needs. Leave with a take-away personalised bravery report to start applying tools from the Be Braver programme.

Target audience: senior leadership, boards, teams. (Up to 50 participants)

Duration: 1 to 4 hours

Virtual or In-person

Improves decision-making – Provides tools and strategies to make informed decisions, taking calculate risks that drive both business and professional growth and learning

Enhance Leadership Skills: Help your team develop leadership skills, enabling them to inspire others, create a culture of courage, and drive business success.

Builds Resilience: The workshop will help your team develop the resilience to overcome setbacks and obstacles, enabling them to stay focused and motivated in the face of adversity.

Model Courageous Decision-Making: Courage inspires courage. Understanding how to model and practice courage creates teams, environments and cultures where teams are empowered to develop creative solutions to challenges, driving innovation and growth within your organization.

A How YOU. not a How To.

All our programmes and workshops are designed to be very interactive, discussion-based sessions combined. With resource-based learning, intended to draw on the expertise , experiencess, challenges, fears and opportunites for all present.

We create safe, connected, vulnerable learnings spaces so that we can learn, mirror and inspire each other.

As well as drawing on literature, research, and industry examples.

All programme and workshops designs will be crafted bespoke to your particular needs.

Mindset Foundation

Team workshop sessions to learn about building, practicing and applying a Be Braver mindset.

A practical spaces to explore and practice applying the mindset to real life scenario’s and challenges.

Building a shared language and understanding of the framework and its application.

Target audience: people with direct line management and delivery responsibility (Up to 15 participants)

Duration: 2 hours to 1 day

Virtual or In-person

Finding Clarity

When uncertainty, conflict and challenge test us.

Our clarity of purpose is the core foundation to understand the thoughts, feelings and behaviours we choose to act upon.

How it connects us inwardly and outwardly.

  • Develop clarity of purpose and direction, aligning your actions with your values and goals.

  • Learn to manage uncertainty and ambiguity, enabling you to make informed decisions and take action with confidence.

Target audience: senior leadership, boards, teams. (Min 12 participants)

Duration: 2 hours to 2 days

Virtual or In-person

Creating Connection

How we create connection internally and externally.

To leverage and influence the resources, stakeholders, data and networks that influence our ability to realise opportunities, make decisions and change outcomes.

Self-awareness. Other-awareness. Emotional data.

  • Build strong, meaningful relationships that foster trust, collaboration, and mutual support.

  • Learn to communicate effectively and authentically, enabling you to connect with others on a deeper level.

Target audience: Those people with direct line management and relationship management responsibilities. Talent development accelerators and returners to work. (Min 12 participants))

Duration: 2 hours to 2 days

Virtual or In-person

Knowing Confidence

Dismantling the dangerous narrative of 'lacking confidence'.

Detangling competence, from confidence. The unhelpful narrative of 'building confidence' and 'fake it til you make it' to create assured self-awareness and efficacy.

How we know our competence, how others see our confidence

  • Rediscover a new confidence in yourself and your abilities, enabling you to take on challenges and achieve your goals.

  • Learn to embrace failure and setbacks as opportunities for growth and development, enabling you to bounce back stronger than ever.

Target audience: Leaders of teams needing to be more assured in their competences. Individuals telling themselves or perceived to be lacking confidence. (Min 12 participants)

Duration: 2 hours to 2 days

Virtual or In-person


Choosing Courage

Encouraging and inspire teams to confidently connect, collaborate and share ideas where results aren’t always known or certain.

Exploration of the conditions of courage necessary in order to grow, create and innovate.

  • Learn about the different types of courage.

  • Discover the best way for teams and leaders to practice courage.

  • Identify the common fears and risks that stop us choosing courage.

  • Understand the decision making process.

  • Connect choosing courage with the need for leaders to find clarity, know confidence and create connection

Target audience: Leaders, line managers and those responsible for decision making.. (Min 12 participants)

Duration: 2 hours to 2 days

Virtual or In-person

Our Be Braver framework. its tools, strategies and practices are designed to be crafted to the needs of Clients.

Choosing courage may be a collective endeavour but it will often have its roots in individual experiences.

We create how YOU choose courage solutions. Not how to. How you apply the mindset to your particular culture, challenge, opportunity or envirovnment.

So that individuals are able to show up to the moments that matter in the way that works best for them when courage calls.

If you would like to book a discovery call for a consultation on how we can design a programme for you, to deliver virtually or in house - get in touch today.