Resting is Connecting

Rest up. We will say this often to others. Often we think of feet up, lying down. Doing nothing.

Yet rest isn’t always inactive. There are at least 7 types of rest, you might even think there are other types missing.

Here we have 7 types of rest. There will be at least one you tend to ignore that could do with some attention? How can you attend to that today?

- Physical Rest

- Mental rest

- Creative Rest

- Sensory rest

- Emotional rest

- Spiritual rest

- Social rest

Having spent a long time as a ‘suit’ in the creative industry - I carried a lot of limiting beliefs about myself as not being a creative.

I’m probably the most creative now I’ve ever been in my entire life. Anyone that runs their own business I would argue is.

But as I’ve focussed on how to soothe my busy mind this year, I’ve discovered creative outlets I never knew I had that rest and soothe heart and mind. Active creative rest:

Rest creates balance within. It’s part of the work of business and personal development.

Rest up. Create connection with yourself and be brave enough to do more resting where you need it.