Speaking Courage

I’ve done quite a lot of speaking events recently. I still am amazed by the fact that someone who used to secretly throw up before pitches can find an audience size that feels remotely intimidating these days.


Goes to show what massive changes we can create when we find meaning in the decisions we make.


The first few speaking events I did felt brave for me – I was fearful, uncertain of the outcome and the risks of embarrassing myself, losing my train of thought, freezing, boring the hell out of people, being irrelevant.


All those things.


So how did I shift from that to now wanting as many speaking events as I can possibly fit in a week? (yes, you should book me)


I applied a Be Braver mindset obviously.


I had the clarity of why I was choosing to speak and take decision to do something I feared. My work as meaning, purpose and ambition for me – fear will not get in the way of that.


My confidence as a speaker was something I had to build. I had some competencies in this space. As a presenter and a communicator but certainly not all. The experience was only ever going to gained quite literally taking to the stage.


Connection was very clearly about the relationships with the audience. I love people, I know how many people Be Braver has made a massive difference to.


So I was left needing to choose courage. To recognise that clarity, confidence and connection gave me everything I needed to choose courage. To take to the stage, let go of my fears, the uncertainty and risks. To think about the risks of never taking to the stage, of that one person that most needed to hear how they can transform their own future by learning to Be Braver never having the opportunity to do because I hadn’t had the courage to practice what I preach.


It is a practice. Finding clarity, knowing confidence, creating connection and choosing courage.


It’s one I learned. It’s one I practice. Its one that has transformed my future, my experiences and my ambitions.


It’s on that is waiting for you to choose to be Braver to.