Creating Fearless Future Leadhers

Over the last few weeks we’ve delivered the Be Braver programme with several groups of women from very different backgrounds. From those on career breaks, looking to return to work, to those in leadership positions in global businesses. Showing them how to have a future as fearless leaders.

The joyous thing I’m seeing more and more about the Be Braver Programme, is its ability to consistently create meaningful change in a broad range of environments. Just simply talking through the model and the framework seems to create shifts in people. Two teenage girls told me that just through understanding it they felt they had more confidence as they now understood how it is possible to achieve the things you want to. What they needed to think, feel and do to make their ambitions be realised.

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Consistently the feedback is high, an average of 9/10 - but the really meaningful results are the ones that are measured by the individual long after the programmes, as the framework and tools start to inform your every day thinking behaviours and actions.

With the returners programme, where we specifically focused on women returning to work, we were able to explore specific issues around confidence and courage for women returning to work. With a cohort of women that hadn’t ever met before.

I think we need to start doing more of these - bringing women together cross industry, cross sector, cross background and so on.

So my own next bold plan is to run the programme in Manchester and London for cohorts of women from cross sectors looking for change and wanting to learn how to Be Braver and to be a fearless leader. If you want to apply, or have some of your own teams on the programme…….here is a bit of info on the programme….until I get a page on the website. This is me doing the brave not perfect approach!

The Fearless Future LeadHERs Programme

The Be Braver programme is a unique diagnostic tool and framework which enables leaders, individuals and teams to improve performance and achieve seemingly impossible goals.


A psychology based framework modelled around Clarity, Confidence and Courage participants of the programme will gain personal insight and knowledge, a plan and the skills needed to achieve their own definition of success, through a learning framework.


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Inevitably those who have been on the programme then apply it within their own organisations and networks as they are equipped to be able practice the model with others.

Measurable, actionable and tailored to the individual – it is an innovative and transformative model which challenges the generalised approach of psychometric tools, profiles and traditional personal development frameworks, to deliver a person-centred, purpose driven and motivational roadmap to success.

If you are ready for change, looking to be driven, purposeful, to be able to get the best out of yourself and others – this is the solution that you have been waiting for. You will discover you have all the tools you need already to achieve the seemingly impossible. Be Fearless. Be Audacious. Be Braver.

Becoming a Fearless Future LeadHER

Participating in a Be Braver Programme will give you tools, techniques, exercises and the knowledge to:- 

  • Use a diagnostic tool to enable you to gain Clarity, Confidence and Courage as a leader

  • Gain new solutions, systems and ways of thinking for change.

  • Strategies to help you find

    • Clarity

      • Purpose, passions, ambition, goal and values to create your brand blueprint creating a personal model of success as a leader and an individual

    • Confidence

      • Resilience techniques, affirmative beliefs, blind spots,a growth mindset, skills and knowledge audit, expertise awareness will all work to empower, strengthen and keep your confidence resolute.

    • Courage

      • Courageous and bold action plans to achieve your vision is contingent on being able to maintain energy, wellbeing, manage risk and act despite fears.

  • Leave with a personal plan to improve your ability to Be Braver to achieve more

  • Access to the Be Braver Collective, a network of audacious and fearless women committed to being braver



Say goodbye to confusion, resentment, anxiety, stress, self-doubt, uncertainty, frustration and inertia and walk away with the knowledge of how to Be Braver.

If you would like to participate in one of our programmes please contact us via this website or to find out more about our group discounts if you’d like to add a few members of your team to one of our cohorts.