
Can Thinking About Power and Control Help Us Be Braver leaders?

When I started from a position of curiosity, to learn more about the suffragettes and courage, my journey found me fusing research from applied psychology, sociology, behavioural sciences and philosophy.

I discovered new ideas about courage and bravery. That the great leaders in history were courage practitioners.

I found that we are often braver than we think. You. Me. All of us.

I have evidenced, that when we understand it as superpower that is uniquely ours in how it manifests, one we can model, practice and understand – the seemingly impossible suddenly becomes very possible.

 The change we want to create, the future we want to move towards, the person we want to become. It’s all up for grabs.

I offer ‘a novel and pioneering view of leadership and life’. So my clients have described it.

A new perspective on living and leading, by brave action and courageous decision making. The Be Braver model.

A programme, practice, and pathway, where self-awareness, self-efficacy and courage transform the way we travel. Individually and collectively.

Now Be Braver is a mindset, model and a community.

As much for personal growth as for professional growth. A framework for all of us to benefit from. Young and old, experienced and exploring. For those hungry to find and develop their fullest potential, individually and collectively.

And how do we do it? Can simply thinking about COURAGE and BRAVeRY IT really help us be braver LEADERS?


Through a deeply individual, personal and exploratory process of understanding why, when and how, to take brave action and make courageous decisions. Which when teams travel together, offers a framework, language and toolkit to share. I know we can find ways to be braver. Act our way in to courage.

That are less scary and dare I say it more enjoyable?


And to be very clear, choosing courage when it demands deep self awareness at an individual and personal level, does not equate to it being self-serving.  

 Two of the many perspectives which inform the Be Braver model, are Alfred Adlers Psychology, and for similar reasons Stephen Coveys more commonly recognised Circles of Influence.

Like all the concepts in Be Braver, they ask us to look at how we experience and understand our internal and external worlds.

To situate ourselves in relation to the barriers, opportunities, solutions and ideas we find when we know where to look.

To challenge how we perceive and understand both. In offering a simple applied structure, to complex ideas, we can make meaningful change that is truly transformative.

Not simply for a workshop and a coaching space - but  for a lifetime of application and practice.

How we focus, interpret and attend to our worlds, influences the outcomes we aspire to achieving. The results we hope to create. The change we want to affect.

Alfred Adlers theories of individual psychology posit that the individual can not be divided from the world in which we are situated. We exist in relation to it and each other.

His work asks us to consider things such as: -

💡 The uniqueness of each us

💡The control we have over our goals (not being able to control our environment but we can our social connections)

💡Our creative power to shape stories and meaning

💡Using mastery and competence as the motivation and means of overcoming inferiority

💡The importance of social connections

💡The freedom we have too choose our responses

💡 The interconnectedness of an individual's thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and social context.


Similarly Stephen Covey asks us to think about where we focus our time, effort and energy

💡 Am I an individual who sees the world as something determined by my actions?

💡 Do I think powerful others are mostly determining what happens?

💡 Do I think what happens is down to luck or chance?

These ideas, and many others, underpin the model and framework, for courageous decision making and brave actions, which we find in Be Braver leaders.

Our growing community of practitioners who are living with less fear and leading courageously.

Stopping to pause, reflect and  notice.

Having the self awareness, to appreciate areas where they individually and collectively, have greater, or lesser influence control. Letting go of unnecessary mental loads. Renewed energy. Commitments to focus on areas of influence.

Focusing on brave action, courageous decisions and conversations to accelerate desirable outcomes. Be Braver leaders have the tools, motivation, clarity, confidence and connection - to focus on what matters most. The courage to make the bold decisions and take brave action.

So the question to ask is do you, and your teams, know how to choose courage and Be Braver?

Because if the answer is no, be bold and start making change today. The first step is often the hardest, but now it couldn’t be easier - hop on a call today to find out how we can give you the rest of the tools you need.

Choosing Courage

Choosing Courage

The behavioural outcome of not choosing courage. Where avoiding personal development becomes the enemy of business development. Where the emotional discomfort we don’t know how to handle hijacks our growth and hinders our futures.

Be Curious. To Be Braver.

Be Curious. To Be Braver.

As this Meta-analysis suggests programmes, like the Be Braver Practitioner programme that seek to raise curiosity can have the effect of increases in #creativity, #innovation, life satisfaction, life meaning, #performance and job satisfaction.

In Be Braver - we start with curiosity to explore how we gain the #clarity pertaining to our role, vision, values and ambitions so we can apply this to both personal and professional contexts.

Driven by this unique blueprint, we seek to critically appraise what this shows us in respect to our confidence as a leader, our skills, competences and beliefs about the self and others.

Creating #connection comes from a place of curiosity about the world, environments and emotional connections with have to the abundance of resources and relationships available to us.

To build on our vision, to support making values aligned decisions. To grow confidence.

Clarity, confidence, and connection fuel our commitment in the moments where we need to choose courage - it is our curiosity to see what we find on the others side of our courageous values- aligned decisions that can make all the difference as to whether we listen to the risks of avoiding or the risks of taking action.

Stay curious.

Ask yourself the difficult questions.

Choose courage.

Be Braver.

If you really want to ask your self the questions that can make the biggest difference - try our Be Brave questionnaire


The Perfect Conditions for Stress and Burnout

As challenging personal situations create mental struggles and fear, individuals in the workplace are overcompensating and responding with unsustainable work effort, creating the perfect conditions for stress and burnout. Leaders need to respond.

Being an independent pair of eyes and ears in a business, means being in the privileged position of knowing the absolute raw truth of how people are thinking and feeling in their organisation.

Creating spaces of psychological safety, whether in a cohort or one to one, means people opening up fearlessly about their experiences.

Right now, quite honestly it’s pretty heart breaking.

Bright, inspiring and yes, often too senior leaders, expressing overwhelm, exhaustion and anxiety. Productivity may be increasing for some, thriving in the peace and quiet of working from home, but certainly not for everyone.

As the work environment becomes inextricably linked to the home, for some there is seemingly no escape, no differentiation and no switching off.

A survey of researchers conducted by Cardiff University found 81% reported experiencing stress since this COVID pandemic and 60% are facing mental health difficulties.

Fear surrounding job insecurity, uncertainty, a concern about the mental impact of their own personal situation creates the perfect conditions for stress and burnout. Individuals start to overcompensate, to the detriment of everyone, in hours and effort.

Those with kids or living alone. Those with mental health problems or concerns for sick and elderly family members. In dysfunctional relationships, carrying the financial burden, business owners, living in unsuitable home working environments, overseas away from family. There is simply no ideal situation. Some may well thrive, but increasing numbers are finding it getting harder and harder.

We may all be in the same storm but we travel in very different boats being the popular analogy floating around about this.

Findings by the Fawcett Society show six out of ten women are finding it hard to stay positive day to day and just under half of men.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) and University College London (UCL) interviewed 3,500 families and found that mums were only able to do one hour of uninterrupted work, for every three hours done by dads.

Those feeling vulnerable in the work place right now need psychological support. Organisations must give clear messages around the importance of acceptable work hours, taking breaks, getting out, sharing concerns and switching off. Leaders need to lead by example.

 In the same way A Stay Home, then Stay Alert message from leaders won’t work if they don’t follow the advise. Neither will teams prioritising their mental health when you are having calls with the CEO over lunch and getting emails from all hours of the day/night.

Data from NordVPN suggests those working from home in the UK are working an additional 2 hours a day, more in the US. Commuting time is now just additional screen time.

In the comms world, I see my Clients working 12+ hours a day, no fresh air, back to back Zooms. Day in day out.

Those with children are working until the early hours to catch up when the kids have gone to bed to stay present on the pitch team. This is not sustainable.

So what messages do leaders need to be communicating and be put in to practice too?

Establish a Routine – help differentiate work time from personal time

Create and Keep Boundaries – mitigate the always on endless hours creep

Take Short and Long Breaks – schedule them in your diary if needs be. Brains in overwhelm are unproductive and loose creativity and problem solving abilities.

Prioritise Your Mental health – keeping yourself in good working order in the same way you would your computer. If the battery starts underperforming and processing takes too long, it needs a reboot. Your brain is the same.

Set A Good Example – advocate for these and be the change you want to see in others. End meetings early to give everyone a break. Propose alternative times for meetings to accommodate a break. Encourage others to take a break or respond tomorrow.

Advocate for Your Team – do not tolerate heavy workload because of fear. Advocate for your team, project, Client in the context of goals, quality of work, productivity and creativity.

Show Compassion – table the unusual circumstances everyone is in. Check in. Show vulnerability. Acknowledge burnout can happen, Isn’t a failing but you want to avoid it.

Make it Personal - support the needs of everyone individually, know what it’s realistic for them, find solutions and help them avoid burnout.

Do watch out for the people that don’t turn up to the team quiz or the virtual drinks at your online town hall meeting. Continue to pay real attention to the vulnerable groups

Don’t assume this is getting easier for anyone. Especially the quiet ones.

With clarity, confidence, courage and connection leaders can mitigate the impact and ensure their teams are able to offer the best ideas, solutions and creativity through healthy and engaged hearts and minds.

Whilst it might be heart breaking to see talented individuals struggling, it is a privilege to be able to demonstrably help and support in the ways we do.

Seemingly simple solutions, tools and mindset shifts can have transformative results. It can take courage, bravery and perseverance to put the changes in to practice. Always for a worthy outcome.

Whether it be offering bitesize training programmes to support mental strength and resilience, facilitating support groups, drop in sessions or working one to one with individuals. We can help.

Our solutions are the most valuable gift I think any organisation can offer to the people that matter most to it. A space to speak freely, fearlessly. A place to find the courage to continue with purpose, motivation, creativity and drive.

 Be Braver was established for the very purpose of helping individuals to psychologically navigate change and uncertainty in pursuit of innovation, growth and creativity. Never more so than now has this been relevant. Our approach, tools and interventions offer create impact, deliver results and change lives.