Knowing, Not Growing Confidence

knowing, not growing, Confidence

Do You Lack Confidence? Or Are You Just Bored?

Sounds counterintuitive? Really? This yacky feeling I’m carrying in to work, meetings and situations is because I’m bored? Not that I lack confidence? Sounds very unlikely?

Yet the amount of times we see the journey in Be Braver, especially from women particularly, experiencing what they think is lack of confidence (because society loves making women question their confidence) when in reality, it can sometimes be boredom, frustration, resentment. At having outgrown a role or position.

 Susan David does brilliant work in the space of naming our emotions accurately.  Which is why we send time exploring in the Be Braver methodology. What we tell ourselves, or what we think we are experiencing, shapes and informs what opportunities and potential we create.


We talked recently about naming the gremlins to tame them. Its really important to ensure you accurately recognise and name them.

We think we understand confidence. Think it’s a feeling, or a trait some people have and others don’t have.

But its can also be true that those telling themselves they lack it are far more competent than they recognise, underestimate their abilities and overestimate others

 Before you keep limiting your potential telling yourself you lack confidence ask yourself, do I have the competence and the skills to do what is in front of me?

Ask Yourself

  •  Is what is in front of you, is the right role, opportunity or challenge. For who you are today?

  • Is it the circumstance or the situation that is lacking or limiting? The culture? The project.

  • If you say it isn’t you, what is it?

  • Are you leaping to assume that which is lacking or limiting is internal, when in actual fact its located externally?

The Be Braver program includes an entire module on knowing confidence. And we specifically don’t assume you need to build or grow it. Because often, you first need to understand it.

Is your mindset limiting? Or closer to a Be Braver one?

Take 5 minutes for YOU by answering the quick-fire questions on our Be Braver Index